Friday, December 3, 2010

Help Support Ryan Newell's Defense

As you may know, I'm a disabled veteran. I've been rather angry for quite a long time about the activities of the Westboro Baptist Church in their regular protests at the funerals of our soldiers killed in action. They claim that God is punishing our soldiers because the country tolerates homosexuals. Fred Phelps (I won't call him a Reverend, he's too evil for that) who leads the WBC is known for his hate videos on YouTube like "God Hates America" and "God Hates Australia".

Recently, another disabled veteran, Ryan Newell, a double amputee with a bronze star and purple heart, was arrested for "stalking" the WBC as they traveled to their funeral protests, because he would monitor their movements and report to others to let them know where they were headed, as a lawful means of counteracting the WBC hate machine. He had a couple firearms in his car at the time, as is his Constitutional Right (see MacDonald vs Chicago if you think otherwise), so he's being wrongly charged on weapons charges as well. Ryan was, like me and many other veterans, very disturbed by the WBC actions. Why the government isn't curbing their activity as hate crimes is beyond me. However, if you feel that Ryan deserves to get off on this, or even if you just think he deserves a good defense team in his trial, I ask you to donate to his legal defense fund here:

Thank you for your support.

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